Friday, January 15, 2016

Life Size Clue: A Learning Experience

Assisting my predecessor with a few meetings of SPLAT, I had a light shine down and an ominous voice tell me that this was where I was supposed to be.  These teens were great!  I spent hours at home after my shift looking up program ideas, new books and other stuff for them.  I read every website, article, blog and Facebook post I could to learn more about working with teens.

I read an article on Facebook, one day, about measuring program success with teens.  I really wish I would have saved it so I could share the link with others, it was seriously that good.  The message I got from the article was that you shouldn't focus on how many teens are showing up but what those teens that do show up are getting from the program.

When SPLAT meets, I could have anywhere from 2-17 teens.  This last month, it has evened out to about 7-10 teens on average.  Like every librarian, I get so disheartened when I get only a handful of teens on a project I've worked so hard on.  It took that article to make me stop feeling sorry for myself in this equation and try to change what I was doing to be better for the teens.

How I Decided to Change Things
Step 1:  What  I noticed that many teens used SPLAT as a hangout.  My predecessor always had an activity or craft planned but mostly the teens just ate the snacks, talked, and played on their Chromebooks.  While I love that the library is a place they feel they can relax in, I wanted them to get more than Ramen out of these weekly meetings.  My goal was to find a way to get them engaged in the activities.

Step 2:  One of my biggest blessings in this job is that I work with people who do not get rid of anything!  I managed to find a large box of small prizes and tons of candy!  I also found 4 raffle containers and a box of Harry Potter decorations among other things.  We had all of this stuff sitting around for the teens, but we hardly used them before.  Now I had the prizes to use as an incentive.
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Boxes to go through of stuff
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"Waste not, Want not" is the motto here

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Participation = Prizes!

Step 3: My first SPLAT as the Adult Services Librarian went pretty well.  I explained to them that whenever they participated in the planned activity/craft/whatnot they get to put their name on a slip to draw for either one prize or two pieces of candy.  If they wrote down a suggestion of material for the library to purchase they get another slip.  They nodded their heads and agreed.  I was still terrified they would hate the prizes and not participate or just ignore this effort all together.  It was time to leave it up to them.

What I Found
It worked!  For the past 5 weeks, everyone has at least tried the activity to earn a slip.  I have received 3 sheets of suggested materials for the library to provide for them.  Lately, I have even had some of the teens try to barter for more slips for the drawing.  So now if they help me set-up, clean up, or anything else they deem worthy, they ask for a slip.  

With this new reward system, I found them to be much more engaged in the program.  They are more willing to offer up suggestions on future programs or ways to improve programs they enjoy for the future. The teens are now breaking out of their little groups and interacting as a whole.  I know this may just be short lived as it has been just over a month of trying something new, but so far it's looking like a success in my eyes.

SPLAT This Week
I love games.  Video games, board games, card games: you name it!  The regulars who come to SPLAT are big fans of murder mystery games, especially Clue!  So I decided to try making a Life Size version (not my original idea, thanks Pinterest!) with a little understanding of the game and a whole lot of enthusiasm.  I bought special prizes for the winners since it was a competitive game.  Game Stop has blind box anime figures that were a huge hit!
One of the winners with a Sword Art Online Figure photo 12540114_10153841302279450_17068446_n_zpsq2bvblra.jpg

I outlined the rooms from the game and tried to decorate them a little.  We had a program in the meeting room beforehand so I had a little over an hour to set everything up.  I then preceded to make a grid using the remaining space.  It took me 4 rolls of masking tape, 50 minutes, and a bit of exhaustion from crawling around but I managed to get it all set up.  I made weapons in cartoonish silhouettes out of cardboard and silver paint.  We used the game cards and a large foam die I had lying around to complete the pieces.

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After everything was set up, I scanned the room and thought how cheesy this must look.  I was worried they had no idea what it was and wouldn't want to play.  But when my first teen walked in, she got all excited and asked if we were playing clue.  Each teen that walked in after had a similar reaction.  They decided to play in teams, and we argued about the rules the whole time.  Unfortunately, we had a few of our members that had to leave early so instead of finishing the game how it was intended everyone wrote down their predictions.  Since no one guessed correctly, we drew three names from the slips for the prizes and everyone else got a piece of candy.

The teens began to brainstorm ways to improve the game next time by outlining rules they want to add, making more durable weapons out of wood, and coming up with different ways to play using teams.  Just looking back on my SPLAT meeting yesterday, it really proved to me that my way of doing things is working.  The teens are attending SPLAT to socialize, have fun, participate in an activity that is building skills and working on developmental assets, and it's helping build relationships with this great group of kids.  I am beginning to see new faces each week and seeing results from my changes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Re-Introduction Into Anime By Starting a Club

Disclaimer:  I have not watched anime since I was in high school over 5 years ago, back when Death Note was new.

Even WAYYYYY back then, I had my favorites that I watched over and over.

Here is my anime repitoire:
1. Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon photo giphy 9_zpsgqfkkiwq.gif

2. Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket photo Fruits_Basket_Box_Set_zpskwsqayrn.jpg

3. Death Note
Death Note photo Light-With-DeathNote_zpshodfpiy5.jpg

4. Tokyo Mew Mew
Tokyo Mew Mew photo tumblr_ng1por97qR1sg1ksjo1_500_zpsq27v3jwp.gif

5. The beginnings of Bleach
Bleach photo giphy 13_zpsyhwqy50b.gif

6. Studio Ghibli  Yep, I got to see Spirited Away in theaters.  I feel quite old right now.
Spirited Away photo giphy 10_zps515dcmyu.gif

Yes, there were others that I would watch here and there, but never consistently.    Except Sailor Moon, seriously my favorite show.  I actually own the first two seasons on DVD.

So when my teens suggested that we start an anime club, I was terrified.  Deer in headlights scared.  I have been in Hot Topic enough to know that the popular anime lately tend to be very violent.  Thankfully, I heard them talking about Death Note several times during our weekly programs to know that I wasn't completely out of touch.  But they hate Sailor Moon...they only told me this like a thousand times...
How I feel when my teens say they hate something I love photo giphy 11_zpsf7h4leo1.gif
This is how I look every time they say they hate something I love... Harry Potter, Star Wars, Sailor Moon...

I did the only thing I could think to do: search on every teen librarian site I could find to see what other people were doing.  Everyone said to let the teens lead the way.  Done!  I was hoping to do this anyway.  They also suggested asking for screening permissions from Crunchyroll and Funimation.  Done!

I was ready to go with a list of titles that I was allowed to screen (it was huge!) and an open mind.  I pre-screened several titles based on manga we have available to check out and what's currently popular.  Oh boy, I was not prepared.  Out of 6 shows that I tried pre-screening, only 2 passed my test.

Criteria for Anime to Show:
1. I would be fine watching this show with my director sitting next to me.
2. No more than 2 swear words an episode.
3. Nothing sexually explicit allowed.
4. Violence it kept to a minimum.

Since my target audience is 7-12th grade, I was a little lenient on some factors.  But overall, if my boss walked in at any moment during the show, I wouldn't have been worried.

On Friday, January 8, the first day of Anime Club was here.  We decided on watching 2 episodes of Ouran High School Host Club and then 2 episodes of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club photo giphy 12_zpsvxtznomf.gif
Where there is water, the boys just take shirts off...

 I had about 8 teens attend.  Most of those who attended had seen these shows before, so it was mostly commentary.  I did end the meeting by asking them for a list of shows that they want to watch so I have plenty of time to see if it's something we can watch together.

I can't wait for more meetings for all the fun games, crafts, and snacks that I have planned!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Werewolves, Pudding Pictionary, and Anti-Gravity Pens

Today, we had SPLAT for the first time of 2016 and it was the first SPLAT after a two week holiday vacation.  We were supposed to be painting our homemade Tardis today, but unfortunately I have hit a few speed bumps while building it so we had to push it back a few weeks.  I can't wait to show everyone how it goes!

So my improvisation for our activity today was to do Pictionary but using pudding to draw our pictures.  I made up 3 family size boxes of chocolate pudding, put down a tarp and some tablecloths.  The last thing I expected was their reaction.  These teens were so afraid to dive in and get messy.  Some even asked if we had gloves to use for the game.

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Lexus was my videographer today
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Leaf was our hardest word to guess today

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It was fun and not as messy as I thought it would be

We played several rounds, but eventually the hunger cry for Ramen won out.  After a snack of Ramen and pudding, we played a round of Fluxx.  Half of the group enjoyed the game, the other half just did not appreciate Zombie Fluxx.  Maybe when we try next time, the rules will settle in a little better.

SPLAT ended with a round of werewolf.  I swear they make me play this game just because I have no idea what's going on.  I have never played werewolf before I started SPLAT and am still learning how to play.  First round I didn't handout any werewolf cards so we had to try again.  The second time through I managed to deal the cards correctly and narrate the game!

My lesson today:  Always have two more activities prepared in case the teens decide to cut all the activities short that day.

Oh!  And the anti-gravity pens were prizes that I found at the Dollar Tree today.  I didn't get a change to take a picture of them because they were the first prizes that were snatched up.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Exploding Kittens and Holiday Fun

In a Secret Santa gift exchange that I participated in, I received a copy of Exploding Kittens (as well as Gloom and the first three volumes of Saga!!!!).

Pretty lucky, right?

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Secret Santa Haul

I've been pining for this game since it started on Kickstarter, but found out too late to back the project.  So I waited patiently until it came out on Amazon, then forgot to buy it...

So when I got the game for Christmas, we had to play it!  My mom, dad, and fiancee sat around the table and I proudly got the game ready to play.  The rules are rather straight forward, but here is a quick video by the creators for those of you who may be interested in the game.

My Review:
I would recommend watching the above video or reading the instruction guide a little closely before playing. We were so excited to play the game that we missed one of the rules and it completely changed the game, but we were able to correct it quickly and had a great time.

The premise of the game is to draw a card and hope that it's not an EXPLODING KITTEN, because if you do not have a diffuse card then you are out of the game.  If you can diffuse the EXPLODING KITTEN, then you put the EXPLODING KITTEN back into the draw pile where you can try and get other players out.  The descriptions and illustrations are the cards are so much fun, we couldn't stop laughing as we played.

It is a great game that fast-paced and has some pretty amazing artwork.  Exploding Kittens is an easy game to learn and  I would recommend it highly!  I can't wait to play it with my teen group this week.

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The artwork is soo much fun!
Keep watching for more reviews on games (video, board, or card) as I play them with family, friends, or people at the library.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

SPLAT! Goes the Librarian

It's almost the start of 2016 and recently, I had a wonderful opportunity to be the Adult Services Librarian at the Clyde Public Library in my small area of Northwest Ohio.  Yay Rachel!  My ideal job was always to be a Young Adult Librarian and under this job title, I get to do just that!

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A Little About Me:
My name is Rachel Henck and I am the current Adult Services Librarian at the Clyde Public Library in Clyde, Ohio.  I've been a patron of whatever library I've been living near since I was a wee one.  My first job was a page at the Harris-Elmore Public Library and I just continued working in libraries throughout college.

I earned my Bachelor's Degree from Bowling Green State University in Social Work.  After a fruitless job search after college and two years of service in AmeriCorps, I decided to change my career path and focus on being a librarian.  In the Fall of 2015, I started my Master's Degree in Library and Information Sciences at Wayne State University.

Three things I can't live without are Netflix, my cats (Rory and Remy LeBeau), and Chinese Food.  I read graphic novels like they are going out of fashion (they aren't!).  My book preferences range from YA to Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and whatever else I'm currently in the mood for.

(Remy on the left and Rory on the right)
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The purpose of this blog is to talk about the fun projects that I'll be doing with SPLAT (our teen group here), talk about what's going on at the library, give reviews on popular books, graphic novels, games, TV shows, and more!

Here are some programs that I'm in charge of here at Clyde:

SPLAT: A weekly program from teens to get together and participate in the themed event, enjoy a snack, and hang out.  SPLAT meets Thursdays from 3-4:30 pm.

Teen Writer's Group:  A monthly program where teens can share their latest works in progress, discuss ideas, and learn some interesting creative writing tips.  Teen Writer's Group meets after SPLAT from 4:30-5:30 the second Thursday of the month.

Anime Club:  The first Friday of the month, we gather a bunch of teens to eat snacks and talk about our favorite subject...ANIME!  There will be videos, crafts, drawing supplies, and more!  Anime Club meets the first Friday of the month from 3-5 pm.

Game On!:  This program happens the first Saturday of every month from 11-2 pm.  Gather one, gather all to play some of your favorite board, card, and video games.

Clyde Gaming Group:  After collection over 50 board and card games from various donations, we have decided to host a monthly board game night.  Join us the last Friday of the month to play new board games or classic favorites.  We will open the night with some quick play games and then try out a game that one of our librarians will demonstrate.  Feel free to bring one of your favorite games from home.

Writer's Group:  Simliar to the Teen Writer's Group, but open for anyone 18 and over.  This group meets the 4th Monday of the month from 6-7 pm.

Keep watch for more updates, reviews, pop culture references.